Clusters of Hard-Soft Assembly for Bio-Applications
The self-organization of nano-objects into complex architectures is a major strategy to produce novel systems with emerging properties and functionalities in fields such as chemistry, electronics and technology[1–3]. The DNA hybridization between synthetic assemblies (polymersomes, nanoparticles, micelles) represents an essential step in the development of interconnecting artificial organelles because they topologically favor cascade reactions between different catalytic compounds encapsulated/entrapped inside, and are capable to mimic cell signaling or interactions[4,5].
In this study, we investigate the self-organization of clusters between “hard” Janus nanoparticles (JNPs) and “soft” polymersomes which represents a new approach for developing a multifunctional hybrid system for specific bio-applications. These polymer-based JNPs with anisotropic composition and orthogonally addressable functionality providean asymmetric platform suited for directional interaction[6,7] with the soft polymersomes. The hybridization of complementary ssDNA strands attached to each components links them into clusters. The polymersomes are deformed upon adhesion to the “hard” JNPs surface but maintain their integrity, thanks to the inherent mechanical robustness of the block copolymer membrane. Importantly, the continued integrity of the vesicular architecture of polymersomes after assembly into JNP-polymersome clusters offers the possibility of encapsulating various kinds of functional cargo. Finally, the biocompatibility of the clusters and their interactions with cell surfaces, mediated by scavenger receptors, was investigated.
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